


The last few years, characterised by the pandemic and its many social and work restrictions, have been a great driving force for the acceleration of companies on the digitisation front. Companies had to update their processes, making them digital by way of an 'immediate' and urgent transformation, without an all-round approach. Looking ahead to tomorrow's world, however, it is now possible to question the rethinking - in a native digital key (and no longer from analogue to digital) - of the same processes, which can then be reborn and find new life in specialised business partners.

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Digitisation also involves, specifically, corporate legal departments that see the figure of the Legal Counsel within them modernising and evolving. 

The transformation of the role can already be outlined in some important aspects:  

  • From a corporate lawyer trained in a self-employed capacity to a Legal Counsel operating within a company and, above all, in the internal processes.
  • From a spot advisory role to a transversal role that places it within broad processes featuring numerous stakeholders.
  • From a role as a technician with a limited scope to a resource able to help company management make informed decisions based on a cost/benefit balance.
  • From the 'legal' contribution alone to the 'compliance' contribution, with a higher view of the company and a focus on legal risk assessment.

The areas of digitisation within the legal area are essentially those aimed at ensuring: 

  • Support for appropriate business decisions.
  • Streamlined and efficient processes.
  • Reliability in the origin, destination and content of information.
  • Involvement of all internal and external stakeholders.
  • Traceability and reconstruction of previous processes.
  • Compliance with industry regulations. 

Digital Contract Workflow

The Legal Counsel has a holistic view of the business processes and, by its very nature, has an entirely transversal dimension, dealing with issues that - from time to time - may affect different business areas (e.g. Finance, Operations, Marketing, Sales).

The negotiation and contracting process can, once regenerated:

  • Ensure internally the use of contract templates that are always up-to-date and available for all functions or business areas on shared platforms.
  • Ensure the possibility of co-editing documents for all the involved functions or areas, limiting the constant repetition of text documents and optimising productivity with the possibility for several people to work on the same file at the same time.


  • Insert 'approval' checkpoints for managers and signatures for persons with appropriate powers.

  • Send a draft to the other party, so that any changes or revisions made by the latter can be acknowledged.

  • Send the document to be signed, once finalised, by the legal representative and the other party, then ensuring the document is available to both.

  • Ensure the preservation of the document.

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Some benefits easily be attributed to the solution:

  • Limitation of the exchange of e-mails and documents and consequent simplification of the approval process.
  • Reducing the risk of losing documents.
  • Elimination of paper media.
  • Efficient approval and signature flows.
  • Collaboration and co-editing to optimise time.
  • Approval of individual clauses or technical aspects referred to the competent functions.

Management of legal deeds and documents

The company's digital domicile is the subject, via PEC, of numerous communications that Legal Counsel must manage, coordinating the company's action or reaction.

It therefore becomes essential to:

  • Understand the nature and consequences of the deed received.
  • Manage any response or follow-up action.
  • Ensure it is signed by the authorised parties.
  • File and preserve official communications.

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The solution should therefore, once the content of responses or actions has been defined, allow for:

  • The document to be digitally signed by the authorised person.
  • The reply to be sent by certified email (PEC), to the digital domicile of the addressee.
  • Communications pertaining to the litigation or otherwise to the subject matter of the communication to be archived and kept on file.
  • A schedule of the related obligations to be set up, in connection with this, integrated with the personal calendars.

Some of the benefits that are immediately apparent:

  • Reduced response times compared to traditional letters and zero costs.
  • Easy retrieval of formal communications or objections, even in the case of changes to the company's workforce.
  • Litigation history and related management calendar.

Finally, adequate knowledge of the counterpart also becomes essential for the management of the relationship and the business. Digital platforms have added value if they can implement fast and effective processes in order to know, immediately, the economic-financial situation of a counterparty. This can be particularly relevant both in the dynamics of 'qualification and evaluation' in the pre-contractual phase and in the management of the existing relationship.

manage legal documents


RPA: what it is and what it can do for your business growth

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In the ongoing quest for more efficient and effective processes, we often hear the term RPA, or Robotic Process Automation.

Beyond acronyms and abbreviations, however, many entrepreneurs and managers find it difficult to understand the potential of the tool. 

Robotic Process Automation or RPA is a system that, through the use of robotic software (or BOT RPA), reduces human effort in all company business processes, automating and...

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